Relocating Classes using Apache Maven Shade Plugin

I just had a weird encounter upon running Spark Job.
There is a maven project that contains 2 modules: ModuleA and ModuleB.
To make the story short, ModuleA depends on ModuleB. There’s a class from ModuleB that is called to ModuleA.
Upon submitting the job, there is this error:
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: io.netty.buffer.CompositeByteBuf.addComponents(ZLjava/lang/Iterable;)Lio/netty/buffer/CompositeByteBuf;
Found out that there are multiple netty version:
- Module A:
- Module B:
To tell you the truth, I’ve been debugging this for hours I almost lost my humanity. I’ve tried excluding that package in pom.xml, assembly.xml and even in spark config but to no avail.
Finally, I met Apache Maven Shade Plugin where one of its ability is to rename packages of some dependencies. Take a look at Apache Spark and Elasticsearch’s pom.xml. They are also using this plugin.
The solution is this:
- Exclude netty package for
<!-- Module A's pom.xml -->
2. Added maven-shade-plugin to org.elasticsearch.client:transport
<!-- ModuleB's pom.xml -->
<relocations combine.children="append">
It would basically append com.shaded_package
to all that starts with io.netty
. However if you doubt this and want proof, compile this to a jar file and do jar -tf moduleb.jar | grep shaded_package
3. I didn’t do anything with org.apache.spark:spark-core
netty packages since this is my most priority package.
After all of that my Spark Job works like a charm.